Archive for November, 2008

KinkyCrafter 20081130 – Today I Did Nothing

And it was everything I expected it to be.


KinkyCrafter 20081129 – Fun Night Out

Had a nice dinner and a fun night at the club with more suspension.


KinkyCrafter 20081128 – Turkey Coma

Today was spent resting and recovering from Thanksgiving. It was a good day.


KinkyCrafter 20081127 – Turkey Day

Had a great dinner with friends at the Crucible.


KinkyCrafter 20081126 – Craft Segment – Fibreglass Cane

For today’s craft segment, I picked up a reflective driveway marker (fibreglass rod) from a hardware store for $2, cut it in half very carefully so as to avoid fibreglass splinters, and duct taped one exposed end and wrapped the other entire rod in tape. One safety note, fibreglass rods can brake and leave jagged edges. One benefit of wrapping the entire rod in duct tape is that you get a little more protection from rough edges if it does break. Don’t swing these too hard or whip them around a lot. The end result is a cheap and fun toy that has a surprising amount of sting for its diameter.

Finished product:

Feel free to contact me with any questions that you have at

Additional Pictures

Any questions?


KinkyCrafter 20081125 – Late Night

I ended up getting home a lot later than I planned.


KinkyCrafter 20081124 – Work, Cleaning, and Unpacking

It’s actually been better than it sounds. Today was a good and productive day.


KinkyCrafter 20081123 – Productive

I managed to sleep in and still get a lot done today. I’m all energized and ready to go for the coming week.


KinkyCrafter 20081122 – Cinekink 2

Another night watching short films and helping out at the club.


KinkyCrafter 20081121 – CineKink

Got to watch a kinky film festival today.


KinkyCrafter 20081120 – Workin Mah Job

Busy at work today. Looking forward to tomorrow.


KinkyCrafter 20081119 – Kinky Wednesday

Got a lot of misc. stuff done today, and then went to the Crucible for the mid-week eat and beat.


KinkyCrafter 20081118 – Infantalism

Attended an educational class on infantalism tonight.


KinkyCrafter 20081117 – Craft Segment – Wire Rod Bunch

For this week’s craft segment I made an impact toy out of a bundle of construction marker flags. I put 15 of the markers together, rolled the flags together to provide a more substantial handle and keep the individual rods in place, and added a layer of duct tape to keep everything nice and contained. Total cost for the project was $7 with enough material left over for 5 more bunches, or several larger ones. A rubber band placed around the bunch could be slid up and down to adjust the amount of spread on impact, changing the feeling from wide spread and stingy if the band is near the handle to more concentrated and thuddy if the band is closer to the tip. The tips of the rods were fairly smooth as is and a grazing blow scratched without cutting.

Finished product:

Feel free to contact me with any questions that you have at

Additional Pictures

Any questions?


KinkyCrafter 20081116 – Weekend Wrapup

It was a very fun, very tiring, and very busy weekend.


KinkyCrafter 20081115 – So Many Suspensions

… So little time.
